Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Yes Sir

Finally found a place in Paris.  Another craigslist ad from a 27o journalist for the Paris version of Rolling Stones.  Seems like a really cool guy from the few emails we have sent.  Will be flying there on the 1st of Sept.

Downloaded a French language audio cd and started learning today.  Was pretty amazed at how many English words are derived from French.  After I finish this course should be pretty comfortable making my way around Paris.

Tomorrow I will take the train North up the coast for 2hrs to Figueres and the Dali museum.  Spend the day there and then head back to Barcelona in the evening.

Earlier tonight as I was heading back from a bar 3 Pakistanis? stopped me and asked for directions in English.  I found my self replying in Spanish.  That caught me off guard.  There were only a couple of blocks from their destination and along with my hand gestures I pretty sure they found it.

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